Intelligent Visual Surveillance Logic Programming

Development of the multi-agent logic programming approach to
human behaviour analysis in a multi-channel video surveillance

Download and install the academic version of
Actor Prolog

Old website of the project picture

Official website of Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics

Official website of Kotelnikov IRE RAS

Philosophy of the Project

      Investigation of the logic programming approach to the intelligent visual surveillance yields progress in the both research areas, because:
1. Intelligent video monitoring needs complex artificial intelligent methods.
2. Video processing is a complex problem that is characterized by high CPU / memory consumption. Thus the intelligent visual surveillance is a good application domain for creation and critical evaluation of industrial logic programming languages, methods, and software tools.

Objectives of the Project

      The objectives of the project are:
1. To develop state-of-the-art industrial logic programming methods and software tools.
2. To investigate and develop the logic programming approach to the intelligent visual surveillance.
3. To facilitate the research of the intelligent monitoring of anomalous people activities.

Brief Project Overview

      We develop a research led software platform based on the Actor Prolog concurrent object-oriented logic language and a state-of-the-art Prolog-to-Java translator for examining the intelligent visual surveillance. The platform includes the Actor Prolog logic programming system and an open source Java library of Actor Prolog built-in classes. It is created to facilitate our research of the intelligent monitoring of anomalous people activities and studying the logical description and analysis of people behavior.

Feature of Novelty

      The distinctive feature of our approach to the visual surveillance logic programming is in application of general-purpose concurrent object-oriented logic programming features, but not in the development of a new logical formalism. We use the Actor Prolog object-oriented logic language for implementation of concurrent stages of video processing. A state-of-the-art Prolog-to-Java translator is used for efficient implementation of logical inference on video scenes. We develop and implement special built-in classes of the Actor Prolog language for the low-level video processing.

     Keywords: Intelligent visual surveillance; Object-oriented logic programming; Concurrent logic programming; Abnormal behavior detection; Anomalous human activity; Actor Prolog; Complex events recognition; Technical vision; Prolog to Java translation.

Examples of Video Processing














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11 December 2017
SITIS-2017, Jaipur picture

29 April 2017
ITNT-2017, Samara picture

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MICAI-2016, Cancun picture

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IDP-2016, Barcelona picture

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BSB-2016, Allahabad picture

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RuleML-2015, Berlin picture

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